Meetings/ Services:
  • Visit the Full Event Calendar Here
  • Join us on Sunday, February 9 for our Scout Sunday service!
  • The M.O.M. Study Group and the Book Club are meeting on Monday, February 10th.
  • The Trustees are having their monthly meeting on Thursday, February 13 at 7pm in the work room.
  • The youth will be heading to Winter Jam on February 15.
  • We are hosting a church-wide yard sale on May 3rd hosted by the United Methodist Men!
  • We have been invited to help other United Methodist Churches serve food to those who are in the mountains facing terrible circumstances due to the cold temperatures. If you are interested in helping, we are putting together teams to head up to Avery country to serve meals. For those who cannot make it, we are also asking for baked goods and desserts. A sign up sheet has been placed in the narthex.
  • We host Gambler's Anonymous every Tuesday 7:00pm-8:30pm in our Wesley building. 
  • Choir practice is every Wednesday at 7pm.
  • Upper Room meets every Wednesday at 11am.
  • The Agape Sunday School will not be meeting until further notice.
  • The Vine Bible Study meets every Sunday AND Wednesday! Come join us for a wonderful devotional led by Pastor Nathan!
Mission Focus:
In the month of February, we are collecting donations for the Lake Norman Humane Society. A list of donation items can be found on the main page of our website as well as the February newsletter. The LNHS also has an Amazon Wishlist on their website.