" I so enjoy the Sunday  morning messages.  I makes me feel a little closer to 'home' and definitely closer to our Lord!"

"God challenged me this morning.  I want to go deeper
and Fair View helped me do just that"

"Fair View  made me feel like they wanted to know me.  
Its my new favorite place to go!"


Worship and So Much More

Want to watch online or even get caught up on this past weeks service.  Check out our online library of worship, Refuel devotions and addition digital media.  More and more are added weekly.  
The weekly bulletin is published on Friday

Friday Worship

This weeks worship song is by Lizzie Morgan entitled, "Maybe the Miracle"

If you ever have prayed for a miracle and never saw that miracle come to fruition, I challenge you to listen to and see where God may have done a different miracle without you knowledge.   
 We are partnering with RightNow Media to bring over 25,000 Biblical Studies and teaching from well know authors to you and your small group.  You can use them for personal devotion, couple studies, or group studies, at church or in your homes.  We will be offering this to you at no cost to you.  We just want to get this tool into your hands so that God can use them to build and strengthen your spiritual walk with Him. 

Service Time

Worship Service
Sunday @ 10:00am

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