God Thought 11/20/24
by Brandon Lake (YouVersion) on November 20th, 2024
Read: Psalms 9:1-2Psalms 34:18Luke 7:36-50 Day One: The Purpose of GratitudeScriptures: Psalm 9:1-2; Psalm 34:8; Luke 7:36-50We sing “hallelujah,” because He is worthy. Period. What else do we have that’s fit for a King, aside from songs of gratitude being sung from deep within our lungs? When we remind ourselves of all that He’s done and when we actively choose thanksgiving, our hearts are soften...  Read More
God Thought 11/13/24
by Priscilla Shirer (Youversion) on November 13th, 2024
Read: Hebrews 12:1-2 If we expect to see God’s ability in the here and now, it will require a turning. And this turning, according to Paul, is a turning to God.People often think of turning to Jesus as being a bit too impractical in terms of spiritual advice. Turning to Jesus. Looking to Jesus. It sounds good, but what does it really mean?While we seem to find the concept of turning to Jesus a bit...  Read More
God Thought 11/06/24
by Priscilla Shirer (Youversion) on November 6th, 2024
Read: John 10:10 Not a Minute Too SoonJohn 10:10 is one of my favorite passages in the Bible. Maybe one of yours too. It talks about a thief who comes “only to steal and kill and destroy,” set against the contrasting intention of Christ, who comes that we may have “life, and have it abundantly.”I think most of us believe in that truth. In theory. In the abundant, ever-filling, overflowing life tha...  Read More
God Thought 10/30/24
by Priscilla Shirer (Youversion) on October 30th, 2024
Read: Ephesians 3:1 I mentioned before that these two verses, Ephesians 3:20–21, are what’s known as a doxology. If you attend a more traditional church, you may sing the “Doxology” as part of your worship service sometimes: “Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . .” You know the one? Doxologies, for us, whenever they occur, usually happen in our Sunday best. With the organ playing. With the ...  Read More
God Thought 10/23/24
by Priscilla Shirer (Youversion) on October 23rd, 2024
Read: Psalms 34:17-18 Get everything out of your head except now.As we begin looking at Ephesians 3:20-21, it’s important we look at the very first word, which conveys its crucial context: now.I understand that the current conditions in your life may not be your favorite thing to dwell on right now. You may have become more adept at concentrating on earlier, back before some of these parts of your...  Read More
God Thought 10/16/24
by Priscilla Shirer (Youversion) on October 16th, 2024
Read: Ephesians 3:20-21 Some things are just hard to describe. You search your brain for the right word, but you can’t seem to find it.Like trying to explain the view of a cloud-filled sky from an airplane window seat at 36,000 feet. Or an unusually moving worship service where God’s presence was particularly near and tangible. Sometimes even our most spectacular vernacular still seems insufficien...  Read More
God Thought 10/9/24
by Dave Villa (YouVersion) on October 9th, 2024
Read: Jeremiah 29:11Isaiah 41:10 There is a fire within all of us that is waiting to be ignited. A fire that grows and can spread to those around you if you continue to feed it’s flames. This fire is stronger than the uncertainty that you may be feeling. It has the power to overcome the negativity that may be surrounding you right now.That fire, that passion, that inner strength was instilled in y...  Read More
God Thought 10/2/24
by Dave Villa (YouVersion) on October 2nd, 2024
Read: Hosea 6:3Psalms 18:30 Things don’t always go according to our plans, but they will always adhere to the plans of the Lord.Life, however, is not lived without any bumps in the road. Failure is not found within these bumps, it is found when we allow these bumps to stop us in our tracks. Don’t become so discouraged in the delays that you give up on the pursuit of your purpose. We cannot control...  Read More
God Thought 9/25/24
by Dave Villa (YouVersion) on September 25th, 2024
Read: Psalms 46:11 Peter 5:7 We cannot always be certain of what is going to happen. There is no telling what the future will bring to anyone. We can make educated guesses. We can make assumptions. We can try to notice patterns and figure it out, but no one knows what tomorrow will bring. All we have is today.And today is enough.You have survived every bad day so far. Every circumstance and setbac...  Read More
God Thought 9/18/24
by Dave Villa (YouVersion) on September 18th, 2024
Read: John 14:27Psalms 94:19 In the digital age, information is provided to us faster than ever.You can Google anything you’d like, and you could read about that topic for weeks. With the click of your mouse, or the tap of your finger, you can learn all that you need to know about anything. While this should be a positive aspect of the time we live in, it isn’t always. With an abundance of informa...  Read More
God Thought 9/11/24
by Dave Villa (YouVersion) on September 11th, 2024
Every day, people all over the world turn their tv on and watch the news. Global events are discussed on nearly every channel. Negativity is all over the internet. Magazines and Newspapers, while not as popular as they once were, are still found in abundance. And the fear and negativity is still found in abundance, as well. You can’t avoid it. It’s in our faces 24/7. Negativity is a plague. But what do we do? We turn up the volume. We click on the link. We flip to the next page.  Read More
God Thought 9/4/24
by J.T. English (Youversion) on September 4th, 2024
Discipleship is a lifelong journey because God is an inexhaustible God. We began by saying that God is the goal of discipleship. We must end by saying that, since we can never fully comprehend all that God is, we will never “arrive” this side of eternity. Even then, we will spend endless days drinking in the fountains of God’s beauty and glory.  Read More