A Way in the Wilderness
Upper Room Devotion by Enid Adah Nyinomujuni (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)

Read Isaiah 43:14-21

Some years ago, I was in a financial wilderness. I had no way of earning money, and my greatest need was food. The Lord promised to make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert for the Israelites, and I trusted that if I could somehow get food for my family, the Lord would provide for my other needs in time.

I didn’t know where I would get money for food. But then someone unexpectedly gave me a piece of land for cultivation. I planted maize and beans and experienced an abundant yield. God had indeed made a way in the wilderness.

We will all enter a wilderness at some point — financial crisis, sickness, isolation. But God will always make a way. Sometimes it may seem miraculous: the provision of a well-paying job, new and successful business ventures, healing. But other times, God works in simple ways like making a part-time job available to us or sending someone to keep us company when we are lonely. We can trust God to make a way for us in every wilderness.

Dear God, help us trust you to get us through every hard situation we face. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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