God Thought 6/26/24

Blessed Beyond Measure

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. '
Numbers 6:24-26

Have you counted your blessing lately?  To be honest, we should.  Of course, God’s gifts are too numerous to count, but as grateful Christian, we should attempt to count them nonetheless.  Your blessings include but are not limited to: life, family, friends, talents, and possessions.  But these all pale in comparison to the great gift – the gift that was paid for us through Christ actions on the Cross and offered to us if we accept him – God’s gift of salvation in Christ.

As Christians, we have been blessed beyond measure.  So how is it that Thanksgiving is a holiday and not daily habit and routine of our lives.  Today, this week, I challenge you to pause, breath in the blessings of God and breath out the words of praise to God for your many blessings.  Let us cultivate a life of gratitude for all that we have been given by the One that makes all good things  In doing so, we may be in a better position to use those gifts to glorify the one who has blessed us.

God,  You give us everything that we could ever need and so much more then we ever deserve. Thank You!  Help us to know that every good thing that has been given should be shared with others that we may share the great news of your love for us. Amen.

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